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Let's Talk Money: A Magnesium Hydroxide Pricing Guide

Writer's picture: Mark KupferMark Kupfer

Having been at this for as long as we have, we realize the confusion that exists within the marketplace when it comes to the pricing of magnesium hydroxide (MgOH2) slurry for industrial and municipal uses.

Pricing can be shown as

  • Dollars per gallon

  • Cents per wet pound

  • and/or cost per dry weight

The difficulty lies in how to compare all the pricing.

Garrison Minerals is here to help!


Price Differences

For starters, as you are researching options for magnesium hydroxide producers, distributors, and supplies, here are the different ways you might see magnesium hydroxide slurry priced.

  • $/gallon

  • $/wet pound

  • $/dry pound

  • and our preferred, $/ton

Converting from one to the other can be dependent on the % solids of the slurry you are receiving.

Here at Garrison Minerals, our clients receive a Certificate of Analysis (CoA) that includes the exact % solids of the delivered load. No secrets!

This % solid is not provided at the point of origin. Instead, ours is pulled from the same lot, at the same time that the delivery occurs. Full transparency!

Garrison customers typically receive a 56-58% magnesium hydroxide slurry and never see a material that is more than a few days old. This ensures that the highest pH response is maintained for your systems.

As mentioned before, we prefer to sell, ship, and price on a dry lb and dry ton basis. Who wants to pay for water? Here at Garrison, we only charge for the magnesium hydroxide material in our slurry. We do not charge for water.


Real Conversions

Allow us to break this down using some real-world examples.

Keep in mind, pricing can vary on location, freight rates, & production costs

Here is an infographic that shows some Garrison Minerals pricing examples


$500/dry ton = $6,764

Why do we prefer dry pricing?

Dry pricing provides a charge for only the material that we provide. This holds us accountable for providing a true 56-58% solids solution and ensuring the most bang for your buck.


Contact us today for your transparent price quote or dosing consult.




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