Phosphorus is a natural nutrient that can become problematic when excessive, both in nature and in our bodies. All treatment plants, whether municipal, industrial, agricultural, or sewage, significantly impact local water bodies' quality. Proper phosphorus removal within wastewater treatment systems is critical for our health and the sustainability of our ecosystem.
In this post, we'll cover what phosphorus is, explain how it can negatively affect bodies of water, and who is taking the lead in preventing such calamity.
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What is Phosphorus?
Phosphorus is a nutrient that is one of the top 5 main elements of living organisms.

Phosphate is the most common form of phosphorus, and within the human body, phosphate contributes to the health of our bones, DNA, RNA, and ATP. When the body accumulates more phosphate than necessary, the kidneys process it as waste.
So, what happens if a lake, stream, or pond, receives too much of a good thing? 😳
If you’ve ever seen a body of water with some unusual green buildup on its surface, you have witnessed eutrophication.

Why Does Excess Phosphorus Matter?
Eutrophication is when a disproportionate amount of phosphorus and/or nitrogen enters an aquatic habitat, resulting in excessive toxin-producing algae growth.
Consequently, there is a decrease in aquatic life due to suffocation caused by nutrient-consumption of available oxygen. Animals and humans who visit these areas, coined dead zones, experience extreme sickness (similar to food poisoning) or even death after chronic exposure.
To reduce public health risks and ecosystemic damage, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), permitting through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), continues its efforts to significantly reduce the development of harmful algal blooms (HABs) and dead zones in water bodies.

EPA Recommendations
The Environmental Protection Agency recommends a limit of 0.05 mg/L 'Total Phosphorus' be applied to streams that enter lakes and 0.1 mg/L 'Total Phosphorus' for flowing waters.
3 Major Consequences of High-Level Phosphorus in Waste Streams
1. A decrease in aquatic life
A large portion of aquatic life consists of fish, so a shortage in the food chain, not to mention a lot of sad fishermen, would arise.
2. One or more recreational water bodies become too hazardous for public access
Water bodies (such as lakes, rivers, and streams) that were once a place of leisure and play are now a point of harmful, if not deadly, toxins.
3. Irreparable ecological deterioration that destroys biodiversity and wildlife
With every water body comprising harmful algal blooms (HABs), the scarcer the resources for wildlife. Plus, when an animal drinks from such a water source, the consumption of HABs is likely to result in death.
Current Issues Arising from High-Level Phosphorus Pollution
River Action warns of phosphates in excrement produced by intensive chicken farming suffocating life
July 2022 | The Guardian | by Sandra Laville
"The Wye Valley has become one of Europe’s largest concentrations of intensive livestock production. Poultry production has soared, with more than 20 million birds housed within permitted intensive poultry units alone, each of which holds more than 40,000 birds. Water quality throughout the catchment continues to fail current standards due to high phosphate concentrations. Evidence from Lancaster University research suggests there are 3,000 tonnes of excess phosphorus caused by agriculture in the Wye valley."
July 2022 | NOAA News Release | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

"Lake Erie blooms consisting of cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, are capable of producing microcystin, a known liver toxin which poses a risk to human and wildlife health. Recent research has found that a long-term increase in the frequency of heavy rainfall events due to climate change may be causing more runoff during spring and summer months because the soil has less time to absorb the rain. Combined with the increase in bioavailable phosphorus concentration in the early 2000s (as a result of changes in agricultural practices), this rainfall trend may explain the higher-than-average phosphorus loads each spring over the last 14 years."
Additional articles to check out:
3 Tips for Mitigating Phosphorus Problems within Your Community
Tip #1
Get to know your local wastewater treatment facility and determine if they treat/test for phosphorus concentrations.
Visit their website and view the current Water Quality Report.
They do not treat nor test for phosphorus if phosphorus is not listed. In this case, ask them why. If their answer does not sit well with you, request a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) from the EPA.
Tip #2
Be mindful when visiting your local lakes, rivers, and streams.
Are there any signs of eutrophication (green buildup on the surface)? If so, report it to the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802. If you detect any immediate threat to human health or the environment, also call 911.
Tip #3
Identify any industrial or agricultural companies dumping wastewater into natural water bodies.
Proceed with steps from Tip#1
Now that you have a better understanding of what phosphorus is and why removing it from wastewater is essential, our Garrison Minerals team hopes you have the desire to spread the word and take action to make a difference.
Contact Garrison Minerals to discuss how you can safely and responsibly treat wastewater.
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Carpenter, S. R., Caraco, N. F., Correll, D. L., Howarth, R. W., Sharpley, A. N., & Smith, V. H. (1998). Nonpoint pollution of surface waters with phosphorus and nitrogen. Ecological applications, 8(3), 559-568.
Sharpley, A.N., Chapra, S.C., Wedepohl, R., Sims, J.T., Daniel, T.C. and Reddy, K.R. (1994), Managing Agricultural Phosphorus for Protection of Surface Waters: Issues and Options. Journal of Environmental Quality, 23: 437-451.
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